Games: GTR- "NaturalPoint® TrackIR Enhanced"

SimBin´s Rennsimulation. Alles rund um das FIA GT Racing Game

Moderatoren: Kobolds|Simu, Kobolds|Meister Lampe

Games: GTR- "NaturalPoint® TrackIR Enhanced"

UNREAD_POSTvon Kobolds|virus am 26 Mai 2004, 09:16:24


GTR does NaturalPoint® TrackIR Enhanced

Vara, Sweden, May 25, 2004 - SimBin Development Team AB today announced their upcoming racing simulation title, GTR, will include complete support for NaturalPoint's TrackIR Enhanced™ mode. Oregon-based NaturalPoint® Inc.'s TrackIR™ is a high-performance head tracking system that enables hands free view control in popular games and simulators. A slight turn of the head causes the in-game view to pan in any direction, independent of mouse, keyboard, and joystick commands. Look out windows and around highly detailed cockpits as if you were in a real GT car.

TrackIR ist ein HeadTracker, den stellt man auf den Monitor, und auf ner Baseballkappe hat man nen Punkt draufgeklebt - bewegt man den Kopf dann bewegt sich die Sicht im Cockpit

Das sieht dann so aus: ... cc2003.wmv
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