Kobolds|Meister Lampe hat geschrieben:nein fire, da wird nix versand, oder glaubs du das sie für die mütze und t-shirt nochmal 20 dollar versandkosten reinstecken?
Wird direkt aus den USA versendet Porto, Zoll etc. zahlst natürlich du selber
Zitat aus dem Steam-Agreement (oder so ähnlich):
If you are an international customer, you acknowledge that Merchandise will be shipped from the United States and that you are responsible for any applicable import duties, customs fees, and taxes. Valve’s liability as to delivery ceases, and title and risk of loss for the Merchandise will pass upon Valve’s delivery of the Merchandise to a transportation carrier at the designated shipping point. If you pick up the Merchandise from Valve’s place of business, title to and risk of loss will pass to you when Merchandise is placed at your disposal.
Kurz gesagt: T-Shirts, Mützen etc. kommen direkt aus den USA..